Information For Employers

Here at Monkwearmouth Academy, we are always looking to build strong links with business and industry. We are proud to have forged a partnership with the Local Enterprise Partnership and have close links with many businesses including Nissan, Gentoo, the NHS, Software City and Sunderland University.

If you are interested in working with the academy on any of the following projects please get in touch with our Careers Leader, Mr Hutchinson at

Involvement in school mock job interviews

Mentoring classes/groups of students

Delivering industry workshops in school

Attending/running an after school club

Providing industry information to our Careers’ Leader

Delivering assemblies

School visits into the workplace

Experience of workplace days

At Monkwearmouth Academy, we want pupils to gain a real understanding of the working world, gaining valuable experience and being inspired by what actually happens in a variety of workplaces and in a variety of roles. Therefore, we are looking for organisations that would be able to offer our students a one day experience of their workplace to larger numbers of students who would be accompanied by staff.

This could involve students being involved in small group carousels where they have the opportunity to hear from a number of different people on a rotation. It could involve more of a careers’ fair style activity. Or, it could be designed in a way that best fits your organisation.  The problem that we face is that many businesses are finding it difficult to recruit students who are workplace ready and part of the solution is giving students the insight into a working environment. We hope that these ‘experience of workplace days’ can go part of the way to solving the issue.  As an academy, we would love to hear from organisations that would be willing to support our students and hold an experience of workplace day or would like the opportunity to discuss this opportunity in more detail.

To find out more information or to express an interest in holding an event either at the academy or at an external location, please email Mr Hutchinson on


The Academy’s careers programme aims to ensure that our students are equipped with the knowledge and inspiration to succeed in their chosen career paths. It is based on the Career Development Institute (CDI) Framework for Careers, Enterprise and Employability (January 2020) and the Department for Education (DfE) document Careers Guidance and Access for Education and Training Providers (October 2018).