
In order to support your child with their learning and progress, we have a homework timetable for your child to follow.  Academic research shows homework can have a significant impact on learning.

All homework is posted on Arbor; this allows parents and carers to view the homework set so you can support your child. 

To support students with their homework, we have a daily homework club where all students are welcome.  There is access to computers and staff are on hand to help. All students get at least 2 school nights to complete homework.  Homework should be completed the night it is set as this allows your child time to see their teacher if they are unsure about anything.

Years 7-9


Year 10-11

Supporting your son or daughter

To support your child with homework, the Academy has put in place the following:


If homework is not handed in, it will be at the teacher’s discretion to give an extended deadline.  Failure to meet this deadline or persistently not meeting deadlines will result in a detention where support can be given to complete outstanding homework. 

If you have any concerns regarding homework set, please contact your child’s Head of Year in the first instance.