Monkwearmouth Academy has an open access and fully inclusive admissions policy and pupils from all backgrounds and abilities are welcome.  Monkwearmouth Academy will provide a total of 1050 with 210 places in September 2024.  The Academy will adopt the same admission arrangements as those operated by Sunderland City Council.


Monkwearmouth Academy will provide for 210 places to Year 7 pupils joining us in September 2024. Up to 20 places will be available on the basis of aptitude for the Football Academy. 

For entry into Year 7, applications to the Academy need to be made through Sunderland Council’s coordinated admissions scheme. In September the Local Authority will issue, to those parents with children in Year 6, a secondary schools booklet. In the covering letter they will advise you as to which is your nearest secondary school*, you do not have to choose your nearest school though. The booklet contains the full admission arrangements for all secondary schools in Sunderland including Monkwearmouth Academy with details on how to apply.

*In assessing home to school distance the measure will be by the shortest walking route. Routes are measured from the centre point of the pupil’s house, or in the case of a flat from the centre point of the building, to the nearest school entrance. A Geographic Information System (GIS) is used to identify and measure the shortest walking route. The GIS identifies routes on the Ordnance Survey Integrated Transport Network and Urban Paths Network, which are national recognised datasets. The routes include all man-made paths, i.e. those that are metalled or surfaced.

In September, when your child starts Year 6 you will receive information about how to apply for a secondary school place from your ‘home’ Local Authority, for example the Council where you pay your Council Tax. You must apply through your ‘home’ Local Authority no matter where the school is located. The link below will take you to Sunderland City Council’s website, where you will find information about applying for a school place and information about all of the schools and academies in Sunderland.


If your child's date of birth falls between 01/09/2012 and 31/08/2013, you will need to apply for a secondary school for September 2024.

Application period - 11 September to 2023 to 31 October 2023.

If your application is received after 31 October 2023, it will reduce your chance of being offered your preferred school.

Apply online and you will receive an email confirmation, once your application has been received.

National Offer day is 1 March 2024.

If you apply online, you will receive an email confirmation about your child's school place sooner than if you apply by paper application form.



Click HERE to apply online, via Sunderland City Council's Family Portal.

You can request a paper application by emailing or by contacting our Life and Family team.  Alternatively, your child's current primary school may have a copy of the application form.

Before applying we would strongly encourage you to view the documents below:

Monkwearmouth Academy Admissions Policy 2024/2025

Admissions to Secondary School Booklet 


For in-year transfers, please view the Sunderland LA website for further details.

If you are considering an in-year transfer, we would warmly welcome you and encourage you to contact us for a tour of the Academy.


If you require more information regarding admissions, please visit Sunderland City Council's Admissions page.