Pupil Premium
At Monkwearmouth Academy we believe that all pupils, regardless of their background, should be supported and challenged to attain the best possible outcomes during their time with us. The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) was introduced by the Government in April 2011 and is paid in addition to main school funding, its purpose is to raise the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils. The Government has used pupils entitled to Free School Meals as an indicator for deprivation and the funding helps to tackle those inequalities of those pupils who need it most.
Monkwearmouth Academy has been matched with The Gorse Academies Trust for 23/24 through an exciting initiative in partnership with the Department for Education. The Gorse Academies are one of the highest performing Trusts in the country for their performance with Disadvantaged pupils. Our 2023/24 plan has been refreshed to reflect the details of the partnership and the strategies being adopted from Gorse that have been proven to be most impactful over time.
The DfE holds schools to account on their use of the PPG through performance tables which include data on:
► The attainment of the pupils who attract the funding
► The progress made by these pupils
► Differences in attainment between disadvantaged pupils and their peers.
PPG is allocated to the Academy for pupils who have either registered for Free School Meals at any point within the last six years (£1035 per pupil), Looked After Children (£2530 per pupil) and children of services personnel of £335 per pupil.
PUPIL PREMIUM DOCUMENTS - For more information regarding our strategy for use of the PPG and our evaluation of its impact:
► Pupil Premium - Strategy Statement 2024-25
► Pupil Premium - Strategy Statement 2023-24
► Pupil Premium - Strategy Statement 2022-23
► Pupil Premium - Strategy Statement Evaluation 2022-23
► Summer Camp Information