Remote Learning
As a forward thinking Academy, we have been at the forefront of delivering high quality Remote Education since the first lockdown and are confident that the education and wellbeing checks that we are now providing as a Virtual School, mirror those which would have taken place, were our pupils here in front of us.
We seek regular feedback from parents/carers, students and staff, to make sure that we are delivering the very best lessons for our pupils, to engage, enthuse and ensure that they make progress. We will continue to adapt to meet the needs of our students, and serve our community, moving forward.
We will continue to deliver a broad, balanced and accessible curriculum to all pupils working remotely from home.
The principles underpinning this are:
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we would do if we were in school
There may be some occasions when we need to make some adaptations to some subject areas, for example:
We will pause our delivery of RSE (Relationships, Sex and Health Education) because of the sensitive nature of the content, which we feel is best taught in person
We will continue to address the wider pastoral elements of the curriculum through our online assembly programme, weekly challenges and daily Form Tutor catch up.
Accessing online remote education
Our preferred delivery model will be Microsoft Office TEAMS, which we use in school and students are already familiar with. Work will be shared by teachers via a discrete TEAMS invite for each subject/class. From TEAMS, each student will be able to access:
Live teaching through a link to TEAMS
Remote learning resources
Options to submit work online
Students can access our remote offer using a variety of digital devices, e.g. laptops, Chromebooks, tablets, phones and iPads. All devices will require internet access and students should note that Apple iOS devices can sometimes alter the formatting of documents. If you have any problems accessing our Remote Education, please contact school reception and we will support you. Departments will also use a variety of ICT resources to develop assessment and feedback.
We expect all students to engage fully in remote learning so that lost learning is kept to an absolute minimum. As we are following a familiar timetable and timings, with ready access to the class teacher, we believe that students will require limited support from home. We are confident that our approach will provide students with a clear structure enabling them to progress well through learning but it does require commitment on their behalf to ensure good attendance and meaningful participation in live lessons. We recognise that some students may find this approach to learning more challenging than others for a variety of reasons. Where this is the case, we will work flexibly with parents to manage any constraints or difficulties in accessing the full curriculum. Our wider pastoral support team will also engage with parents and students on an individual basis in such situations.
Whilst we trust that our approach places fewer demands on parents / carer we do know that parents play a vital role in supporting their child whilst working at home. Parents can support both the school and their child by:
Ensuring students are dressed appropriately and ready to engage in learning by 8.35am every day
Ensure students have access to the necessary equipment for learning
Where required, contact the school to request the loan of a Chromebook and arrange to collect it form school
Take an active interest in what your child has been learning through conversations about what they have studied and learned as this will promote greater understanding
We have clear guidelines and expectations for both students and staff around online learning and live lessons – see our Remote learning policy: January 2021, which is available on the school website. We have identified potentially vulnerable students and have a regular contact plan in place for those students; this is led by our pastoral teams. Staff and students are encouraged to raise any concerns, no matter how minor they feel they may be, to a trusted person and/or key individuals including:
Kenny Graham (Designated Safeguarding Lead)
Karen Moan
Mike Collier (Headteacher)
Where concerns are raised they will be managed sensitively and professionally. We will investigate any and all concerns to verify the facts and take appropriate action as required. Investigations into student absence from lessons will carefully consider all evidence to ensure safety of students is paramount in our considerations. Where appropriate we will work closely with parents and outside agencies.
Additional support
We recognise and understand that some pupils, for example, some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to fully access remote education without support from adults. We are aware of the demands this may place on families therefore we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils to replicate the support in school as much as we can, while utilising technology to offer additional support to students with additional needs. Specifically, this could include:
Attending school each day if the student has an Education & Health Care Plan (EHCP) (LAC)
Most SEND students will be able to independently access the live lessons and access resources such as videos and presentations in TEAMS
The SEND team will keep in close contact with students to ensure that their needs are met, on a regular basis
Where necessary, the LSA can also join live lessons and offer support
All teachers have been given guidance and strategies designed to best to support SEND students via live lessons. Parents can contact Miss Wilson-Day (SENDCo) at any time for additional advice and support.