Our uniform is an important part of our Academy’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and helps to allow pupils to feel pride in their school. We are very proud of our school and of our pupils and believe that high standards of uniform, behaviour, being properly equipped and attending regularly, give each and every one of our pupils the opportunity to achieve their very best.
Our uniform supplier Michael Sehgal supplies a number of schools in the region and delivers high quality products at a reasonable price. They come highly recommended and have a very positive reputation for sound customer relations.
Parents are strongly advised to contact the academy before purchasing any items if they are unsure about suitability and conforming to the rules outlined below.
Shirt: plain white school shirt with top button (fastened) and standard collar. The correct year group tie must be worn.
Jumper: a school jumper purchased from the school supplier may be worn.
x NOT acceptable: any jumper except the Monkwearmouth school jumper.
Blazer: grey Monkwearmouth blazer (purchased from school supplier). Must be worn to and from school every day.
x NOT acceptable: attaching badges other than school reward badges.
Tie: correct school tie for the year group.
Coat: plain black coat with absolute minimal markings/logo.
x NOT acceptable: hoodies, tracksuit tops, body warmer, any coat colour other than black, large logos, mottos, markings which clearly indicate designer item etc.
Trousers: plain black school trousers. Black socks must be worn with trousers.
x NOT acceptable: tight fitting trousers, trousers that are not formal school trousers, leggings, jeggings, tracksuit bottoms, jeans etc.
Skirt: Monkwearmouth school skirt (purchased from school supplier). Must be of suitable length, even when seated. Black tights must be worn with a skirt and these must be at least 40 denier.
x NOT acceptable: knee length socks, trainer socks, not wearing tights, skirts rolled up, skirt length which is deemed too short.
Socks – plain black.
Tights: must be black and at least 40 denier.
Hair: hair should be presentable and of natural colour.
x NOT acceptable: extremes of fashion, unnatural colours, hair obstructing vision, haircuts closer than guard 1.
Shoes: plain, formal style and black.
x NOT acceptable: trainer style, converse style, stilettos, large heels, shoes that contain large logos, diamond style studs and any other extreme or large adornments.
Jewellery: a standard watch may be worn. Smart watches are permitted, but notifications must be turned off. One set of small, plain (gold, silver or diamond style) studs in the lower lobe of the ear may be worn.
x NOT acceptable: anything other than a watch on the wrist. Any piercings other than the lower lobe of the ear. Retainers for piercings not conforming to this policy.
School bag: plain, black and able to carry the necessary books, files and equipment.
x NOT acceptable: large logos, graffiti and attaching badges.
Scarves, hats and gloves (optional): scarves and gloves must be black or grey. A black or grey hat may be worn during cold weather.
x NOT acceptable: baseball caps and items with large logos.
Make-up and nails: visible make-up of any kind is not permitted. Nail varnish and false nails are not allowed.
x NOT acceptable: nail varnish including clear varnish, false nails, acrylic nails, gel nails, visible make-up, false eyelashes, eye liner etc. Applying or bringing make-up, deodorant, perfume or hair spray into school. These will be confiscated.
The school’s decision on any issue relating to uniform, hair and make-up is final.
Shoes must be plain, formal style and completely black. Leather shoes are recommended as they are hard wearing. Please be aware of shops advertising shoes as “school shoes”; not all of these are suitable. If you are in any doubt, please contact the school before purchasing in order to eliminate the cost of having to replace items that do not conform with the uniform policy. We suggest you either take a picture of the shoe or email the web link to contact@mwa.tynecoast.academy for us to clarify if they are suitable. Please also read the uniform policy in this planner for further guidance. If in doubt, please ask.
PE Kit
Compulsory Items
Monkwearmouth polo top.
Black leggings, black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms.
For swimming: towel, goggles, swimming costume/shorts.
Optional Items
Studded boots are recommended for football and rugby.
All pupils are expected to bring their PE kit to every lesson, even if you are unable to take an active part in the lesson. Students will be given suitable roles so they are still included.
Should a pupil forget any part of their PE kit, they will be expected to borrow PE kit from the PE department to be able to take part in the lesson.
A parent/carer should provide a written note if a student has a medical condition which means they are unable to take part in the lesson. Students are still expected to bring PE kit as they will be issued with a suitable role.
Pupils not complying with the uniform code and the requirements around presentation and accessories will be challenged. Parents can expect to be contacted and the child may be sent home.
The following should not be worn in any circumstance: Denims, leggings, skin tight trousers, casual dark (or other colour) trousers, hoodies (other than selected Year 11 pupils wearing their 'Leavers' hoodies) and tracksuits.
Any kind of body piercing (including nose, tongue and eyebrow studs) is not appropriate for school. Any child wearing such apparel to school will not be allowed to circulate around the school. Parents will be contacted.
1. Please order all school uniforms online this year.
School uniforms may only be ordered online at: www.michaelsehgal.co.uk
Address: Michael Sehgal and Sons Ltd, Unit 17 Airport Industrial Estate, Kingston Park, Newcastle NE3 2EF.
2. Customer services team is here to help!
Sizing guides are available on the website, indicating the most popular sizes, per age group and our customer services team can help you with your order, if it’s the first time you are ordering. Call us for assistance on 0191 230 2320 or email sales@michaelsehgal.co.uk you can also find the answers to most frequently asked questions at: www.michaelsehgal.co.uk/faqs/
3. Keeping you informed!
At every stage, including ordering, processing and dispatch you will receive notifications to advise you of the status of your order. We aim to deliver all school uniforms safely and promptly.