“Art makes children powerful”
Bob and Roberta Smith – British Contemporary Artist
The department’s vision is to create exciting, inspiring and engaging opportunities that are relevant to our students, so that we generate confident, visually literate and culturally aware new thinkers and future innovators. We want our students to understand that art is a creative journey, where the end product is not always the final outcome and that the journey is as important.
We want our students to be equipped with the tools and exposure to be able to access and appreciate art from all corners of the earth and different times dating from contemporary art throughout history.
We want to feed our students curiosity and ensure that they feel safe and confident to try new things, play, experiment and take creative risks.
We want our students to complete their formal art education with the knowledge and understanding that art is a visual language that speaks of human expression and emotion, communicates stories and historical facts telling of the time and place it came from and that it is a tool that can be called upon at any point in life to motivate, energise or reassure us that pain and hardship is part of the human condition.
We believe that originality, ideas and creativity comes from all levels across all abilities. We aim to educate our students on the breadth of art, design and craft while embedding a love and appreciation of different cultures and beliefs which will in turn allow them to explore and achieve their artistic potential. The creative arts support children’s health wellbeing and wider development giving them the tools for a happy, fulfilled and successful life.
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4