Purple Plaques Unveiling
Monkwearmouth Academy alumni and Coronation street actor Melanie Hill joined Look North presenter Jeff Brown and former pupil and governor Bob Francis as they returned to their former school to unveil plaques in their honour which they hope will inspire the next generation of success stories.
Jeff, who attended the school from 1972 until 1979, unveiled his plaque on the wall of the English corridor. He said: “I’ve loved coming back. I loved school and it was where I found out what I wanted to do and so coming here today brings back loads of memories." Melanie said "I loved my time at school and I wouldn’t have had the career I’ve had if it wasn’t for this place and my teachers who inspired me."
Former Sunderland City Councillor, Bob Francis, was also invited to unveil his plaque in the Science Department. He said: “Today has brought back lots of happy memories. It’s about relaying the message that you can attend this school and achieve things in life.”
Our Headteacher said: “The initiative is about inspiring young people to succeed and raising their aspirations. It would be great to think in 20 years time one of the children here today could return to the school to unveil a plaque of their own."